Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Case is Going to Trial ???

The case against Christopher Comins is now going to trial.

I am shocked and angered by this decision, as I am sure many of you are who are familiar with the case.

For those of you who are not familiar with the case- here is a little background on how trying to do the right thing has led this man into a year long battle against an irresponsible dog owner, and overzealous animal rights activists.

Chris was going about his normal day- when he came upon a crowd gathered on his friends land. Out in the field there appeared to be two wolves circling a group of cattle- the cattle had formed a protective circle around their calves as the dogs circled. The crowd tells Chris that this has been going on for hours, and that someone needs to do something. ( Later we learn that at least 25 contacts were made to local authorities trying to get help for the cattle)

Chris called his friend who owned the land, and the owner asked him to shoot the wolves, which is legal under Florida law.

So Chris did what he thought was the right thing. He walked out alone into a field, to try and save his friends cattle. He did not think about his own safety- or join the crowd of onlookers who had been calling for help with no result. He did what should have been done- he went out and shot what he thought were wolves to protect the livestock.

It was then that Chris Butler- the dogs owner, came upon the scene. It was then that Chris realized they were not wolves, but someones dogs...

Chris Comins was not charged with a crime that day. He was told he did the right thing and sent home. Knowing he did the right thing for the right reasons did not erase the feelings he had knowing he had hurt someones dogs. Anyone who knows Chris, or who has taken the time to talk to him about it, knows how sick he felt afterwards, and how badly he still feels today.

It is a terrible tragedy that those dogs were hurt. We all agree. But whose fault is this? Who is being punished and why?

The DOGS OWNER- CHRIS BUTLER - Should have NEVER let his dogs out to run free. He did not fence his dogs in for their safety. He did not watch them when he let them outside. He did what he had always done, simply let Siberian Huskies out to run free.

Yet Chris Comins is ultimately being punished for the bad behavior of these dogs. I know- he is being charged because of his shooting the dogs- but these dogs, who look identical to wolves, were attacking cattle. To the witnesses gathered that day and to Chris, it appeared wolves were attacking the cattle.

No one is happy that the dogs were hurt. Despite the careless owner, the crowds, the calls to police, it is still a tragedy that these dogs were hurt.

Chris is being punished unfairly. Chris is being charged with two counts of felony animal cruelty. I myself to this day do not understand how these charges could be brought against him, or how this case has continued as long as it has.

He did not go into someones yard and shoot their dogs. He did not do any of the horrific things I see people do to animals on the news. He did not set out or intend to hurt anyones dogs that day, and it wasn't until after the dogs had been shot did he realize they were pets.

So how then can he be charged with animal cruelty?!

There are so many facts in this case. Facts about the dangers of letting dogs run free- particularly Siberian huskies. Facts regarding how many calls were made for help. Facts about Florida laws, land owners rights, animal rights... it goes on and on- but this case is simply being blown out of proportion because of a brief video clip that captured the shooting. The video of the shooting was taken by a bystander, and posted to YouTube- and because of the nature of the video it has sparked an emotional response from many.

This very brief video made this case a national sensation. It was difficult to watch. No one wants to watch animals being hurt, especially pets. The problem is that the video does not tell the story. We cannot judge a person based on a very short clip of the story. There is so much that the video does not show.

Petitions have been signed and animal activists have spoken out against Chris, he has even received multiple death threats and suffered business losses because of this. Why?

Because he stepped up to protect his friends cattle?

Because he was the only one willing to go out there and do something instead of watching the cattle fight off these dogs all day?

What about the cattle? I mean- they are living animals too, just because they do not curl up on our couches at night doesn't mean they don't deserve the same protection from predators.

Why are we spending so much of the courts time, police time and resources on this case? We live in a city where I cant turn on the news in front of my children because it seems everyday there are stories of shootings or child predators.

Why are our valuable resources being spent on a case where a man shoots what he thinks are wolves to protect livestock which is completely legal?

Why is the dog owner not facing neglect charges? If we put our sympathies aside and look at the facts surrounding this case- who is really to blame and who should be punished? Its a tragic story- but even more tragic to ruin the life of an innocent man who was doing the right thing.

More information about this case can be found here:
Friends of Christopher Comins
More Facts about this case


  1. I agree.. everyone knows this is bullshit. Great job Orlando taxpayers!

  2. "Comins disagreed Friday, saying he stopped shooting as Butler arrived."

    That's not what I saw.

  3. Hope he one day has to see his dogs shot by some hateful A--Hole just like him.

  4. Roflma This must have been posted before ya'll found out about the video. Pesky little contraptions aren't they. ROFLMA Good luck with this story.

  5. Hope he rots in hell. He shot them even after they were already wounded and after the owner was yelling to stop. He's gotta be a fricken idiot if he thinks that a husky looks like a wolf. Hard to defend someone when the video speaks for itself.

  6. After seeing the video I for one sure hopes Chris gets his justice.... AT LEAST a couple years, DAY FOR DAY in the pen! I know most inmates don't like people that harm children. Maybe his fellow inmates would extend that hatred to those who enjoy hurting animals. If those were my dogs I would have likely killed him. In the news segment you see the one of the dogs that was shot. He thought it was a wolf huh? That just a stupid thing to say! So piss off Chris! You spineless cunt!

  7. So are we really supposed to believe that Comins thought that they were wolves, you know, with dog collars on? This guy is dumber than I thought. I'll be at the trial, can I hope he pays dearly.

  8. "Why are we spending so much of the courts time, police time and resources on this case?"

    Perhaps you should ask your buddy Chris the same question in regards to the pending SLAPP suit against a college student for blogging about the video... poor guy is spending all his time defending his 1st amendment rights that I'm sure his education has suffered. Reallll cool Comins... way to be the big strong bully against a STUDENT!

  9. If there was any "Justice for Comins" he would only get life in prison instead of the death penalty. What a POS.

  10. Any real good redneck like me would know the difference b/w a wild animal and a dog. Like the Nazis, just 'cause they told you to doesn't make it right.

    Hope he gets his hate he dealt he deserves later on in life knowing what he's done. He should pay.
